Friday, November 21, 2008

End the Fed!

Tomorrow is an historic day. Thousands of Patriots and Citizens, Revolutionaries and Soldiers will take to the streets. Your brothers and sisters in Liberty will march on the Federal Reserve Central Bank and call for the end of the Third Central Bank of the US.

We the People require and demand sound money. We require and demand that our leaders obey the Constitution. We require and demand the return of our civil liberties and Constitutionally guaranteed Rights.

Thousands of People, 39 Cities, One Goal. End the Fed.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Letter to our Congressman and Senators

Message sent to the following recipients:
Senator Byrd
Senator Rockefeller
Representative Mollohan

I write you with a heavy heart. Very rarely have I ever felt so ashamed and disappointed in my elected officials. With the passing of the PATRIOT Act, the Military Commissions Act, this illegal and unconstitutional War, and I can now add to it the Paulson Bailout.

The Bailout became a Christmas Tree on which to hang any little partisan tidbit that would get it passed. Beltway politics ruled over the best interests of We the People.

This Bill will not rescue the economy. It did not stop the depression, it simply pushes it back some amount of time; and increases its severity.

Why should the Citizens be stuck with illiquid assets that the market could not use? When any person makes a bad investment; will it always be up to the taxpayers to save them? What of the hundreds of thousands of people who have already lost their homes, and the hundreds of thousands who still will? Where is their bailout with my money?

This was not meant to be a socialist nation. We were a Republic, with economic as well as civil and political liberty. We can now wave good-bye to almost all of those... I hope someday to see the Republic Restored; but that day will not be today.

Gentlemen, I write to tell you that you have lost my vote, the vote of my family, and the votes of many honest West Virginians. I hope that someday you will remember your Oath to the Constitution, the Citizens of West Virginia, and this country.

Montani Semper Liberi,
--- Kevin Patrick

Thursday, August 28, 2008

RNC Here We Come!

With the RNC just four days away, things are really picking up speed. The WV Delegation leaves on Saturday from Charleston, and we should arrive Sunday Morning in St. Paul.

I am very excited to announce that I am an Alternate Delegate with the WV Delegation, and I look forward to keeping you updated via the facebook group, the facebook page, as well as the website's blog.


On another note, I am setting up a text messaging system which will allow the campaign and volunteers to communicate. This will be good for organizing sign waves, door-to-door efforts, and other events. If you would like to sign up, text "follow k_patrick" to 40404 . This will give you updates. Do not worry, this will not be spammed, and you will not be getting messages every day. It will be more active come primary time and general election, but for the most part we won't bug you too much. (-:

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Web Page Overhaul

I didn't sleep last night, and instead did a total overhaul of the webpage. It's very very different. I was feeling a little constrained by the google sites setup, so I moved back to a traditional html page. I'm very pleased with it.


Wednesday, July 30, 2008

MCREC Meeting

MCREC passed two motions today which I think merit noting. One is that I am now officially on the Committee representing District 5. The other is I am now Web Admin for the MCREC webpage, which I expect to be up within the week.

The url will be , I believe.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Revolution is Here!

I worked up a "Ron Paul Revolution"-style stencil for making signs, banners, or just printing. If you use it as a stencil, the easiest way is to get a projector, or overhead, and project it on a wall. Put cardboard or something else durable under it, and cut it out with an exacto knife.

For the blurry red edge, just take a rectangle of cardboard, and quickly spray along the edge, that does not need to be stenciled out.

For a full-size image, go to the Campaign Resources Section of the webpage.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Revolution March: Success!

The March was a raging success. Our original estimates were for 5,000+ marchers. We have heard that we had more than 12,000 marchers, and more than 10,000 at the rally point. We made a good showing, and it was so invigorating to see so many Sons and Daughters of Liberty.

This is the beginning of something great, and it was an honor and a privilege to be a part of it.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Revolution March

I will be attending the Revolution March this weekend in Washington DC, and I'll bring back details of the event. It should be an exciting march and rally, where Dr. Paul is the keynote speaker. We have several musicians lined up, and Mtv will be there as well.

Any of you who are attending, hopefully I'll see you there.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Website Update

The Website went through a fairly major overhaul this morning. I got rid of some of the clutter, and put in new navigation bar which should me moving around the website a bit easier.

The new bar looks a little like this:

It was annoying because googlesites automatically sets up an image as a link to itself. So I was unable to have images as links before I started fussing around with the html. Now, it's all better.

I also set up a webmail function on the Contact page, to allow people to email me directly from the site.

I also tweaked the side bar a little with a facebook and blogger logo. All in all, things are coming together quite well. We will definitely be able to launch according to schedule.

Montani Semper Liberi,
--- Kevin Patrick

Saturday, June 21, 2008

WVGOP Summer Convention, updates

After 5 hours of sitting in the hot sun, the WVGOP State Platform was passed. I was pleased to see that at least one of my suggestions made it into the final document: this was to support and respect the WV Constitution as well as the US. Although I voted against passing several of the platform's components, to say I was in the minority of that body on those issues would be an understatement.

I differ from many of the other Delegates there today on my position on several issues. These are same-sex marriage, the death penalty, No Child Left Behind, The War on Terror, as well others.

It is in my mind unconscionable in a free and open society to dictate the private lives of individuals. I would like to see all forms of marriage left to the Churches and individuals involved. Any couple, same-sex or otherwise, should form an LLC for their tax benefits. It is not the purview of government to influence this area. As such I could never support a Constitutional Amendment towards this end.

I do not support the Death Penalty. For many of these people who would call themselves "Pro-Life" it shocks me to learn that they are willing to kill adults. If we then take the stance of the innocence of the child, and the guilt of the adult: my question to them would be 'do you trust the legal system and the minds of men so much?' Our Founding Fathers said it is better to let one hundred guilty men go free, than for one innocent man to lose his life.

No Child Left Behind has done harm to our good schools, like North Elementary. North is able to offer needed service in the areas of special education. No Child Left Behind does not raise the bar and cause children to work harder, it makes administrators lower that bar so that it can be tripped over instead of hurtled. There are two kinds of equality, where one seeks to raise one's self and others up to greater heights, or to bring them down to a lowest common denominator. NCLB is the latter.

I can never support imperialistic, offensive war. Many seem to confuse "Strong National Defense" with offense; a preemptive smash and grab to get to them before they get to you. This is not in accordance with the great Republic which our Fathers founded.

Although there were some needed deletions, amendments, and additions made, and good work was done there today, I hope that in the future we can work towards a better document. I am proud of my contributions to that Document, and in seeing the principles of our Republic at work. It was a good effort. No work is perfect, but there is honor in striving for perfection.

I will keep you update on the campaign, I meeting many people who will be able to help me in the weeks and months to come.

Montani Semper Liberi,
--- Kevin Patrick

Monday, June 16, 2008

WVGOP Summer Convention

I am attending the WVGOP Summer Convention this Saturday. I will bring you updates on the events.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Grassroots Campaign Class

This past Saturday (31. May) I took a course on running a grassroots campaign. It was 9 hours long, and we had lecturers from Massachusetts and DC. There were candidates from all over the State. Charles Minimah (SOS), Ed Burgess (House), and many others.

I brought home a lot of material and good ideas. If you are interested in volunteering starting in Spring of '09; let me know. For those of you who do not... I'll ask anyway.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Voter Vault 3

Today I went to Charleston to learn how to use Voter Vault. VV is a voter file manipulation website which allows candidates to search for constituents, map districts, plan routes, and other things. It will be a helpful resource. The RNC and WVGOP were nice enough to provide this class/workshop for free. I look forward to becoming more familiar with the software as time goes on.

Monday, May 19, 2008

New Handouts

One thing which I found very interesting while I worked with the Ron Paul Campaign was the handouts. They were/are colourful, interesting, and small. They called them SlimJims. There were many different types, but they had much more money than I will. They had some aimed at Veterans, Farmers, Families, Low-Taxes, 2nd Amendment Issues, all sorts of things. I liked the idea so much, that I thought I would use something similar.

So tonight, while thinking of the things that I need to do tomorrow, I decided to work up a rough one.

It can be found attached to the website here. We'll see, I'll need to have a photo of me taken for printed photos, and this was the one that came to mind (for obvious reasons).

Friday, May 16, 2008

And in the begining

Today is Friday, May 16th 2008.

The webpage is mostly operational. There are still some bugs with the comments function; and for ease, it may just be removed. We have several graphics up under the Campaign Resources section. There are a good many essays up, some on the Issues that are important to the campaign, and some under the Politics section.

The Political History section is coming along nicely; which is my political history. Also, today the section on the Bresch Incident was created and I started to fill it out.

So far, so good. I have one offer from someone to be a campaign manager. If anyone else is interested in joining, or volunteering with campaign; please let me know.

--- Kevin Patrick