Senator Byrd
Senator Rockefeller
Representative Mollohan
I write you with a heavy heart. Very rarely have I ever felt so ashamed and disappointed in my elected officials. With the passing of the PATRIOT Act, the Military Commissions Act, this illegal and unconstitutional War, and I can now add to it the Paulson Bailout.
The Bailout became a Christmas Tree on which to hang any little partisan tidbit that would get it passed. Beltway politics ruled over the best interests of We the People.
This Bill will not rescue the economy. It did not stop the depression, it simply pushes it back some amount of time; and increases its severity.
Why should the Citizens be stuck with illiquid assets that the market could not use? When any person makes a bad investment; will it always be up to the taxpayers to save them? What of the hundreds of thousands of people who have already lost their homes, and the hundreds of thousands who still will? Where is their bailout with my money?
This was not meant to be a socialist nation. We were a Republic, with economic as well as civil and political liberty. We can now wave good-bye to almost all of those... I hope someday to see the Republic Restored; but that day will not be today.
Gentlemen, I write to tell you that you have lost my vote, the vote of my family, and the votes of many honest West Virginians. I hope that someday you will remember your Oath to the Constitution, the Citizens of West Virginia, and this country.
Montani Semper Liberi,
--- Kevin Patrick