After 5 hours of sitting in the hot sun, the WVGOP State Platform was passed. I was pleased to see that at least one of my suggestions made it into the final document: this was to support and respect the WV Constitution as well as the US. Although I voted against passing several of the platform's components, to say I was in the minority of that body on those issues would be an understatement.
I differ from many of the other Delegates there today on my position on several issues. These are same-sex marriage, the death penalty, No Child Left Behind, The War on Terror, as well others.
It is in my mind unconscionable in a free and open society to dictate the private lives of individuals. I would like to see all forms of marriage left to the Churches and individuals involved. Any couple, same-sex or otherwise, should form an LLC for their tax benefits. It is not the purview of government to influence this area. As such I could never support a Constitutional Amendment towards this end.
I do not support the Death Penalty. For many of these people who would call themselves "Pro-Life" it shocks me to learn that they are willing to kill adults. If we then take the stance of the innocence of the child, and the guilt of the adult: my question to them would be 'do you trust the legal system and the minds of men so much?' Our Founding Fathers said it is better to let one hundred guilty men go free, than for one innocent man to lose his life.
No Child Left Behind has done harm to our good schools, like North Elementary. North is able to offer needed service in the areas of special education. No Child Left Behind does not raise the bar and cause children to work harder, it makes administrators lower that bar so that it can be tripped over instead of hurtled. There are two kinds of equality, where one seeks to raise one's self and others up to greater heights, or to bring them down to a lowest common denominator. NCLB is the latter.
I can never support imperialistic, offensive war. Many seem to confuse "Strong National Defense" with offense; a preemptive smash and grab to get to them before they get to you. This is not in accordance with the great Republic which our Fathers founded.
Although there were some needed deletions, amendments, and additions made, and good work was done there today, I hope that in the future we can work towards a better document. I am proud of my contributions to that Document, and in seeing the principles of our Republic at work. It was a good effort. No work is perfect, but there is honor in striving for perfection.
I will keep you update on the campaign, I meeting many people who will be able to help me in the weeks and months to come.
Montani Semper Liberi,
--- Kevin Patrick